
December 20, 2020

This Sunday, for the safety of those who will be worshiping together in the sanctuary, we will not be singing together as a part of the worship service.

We will still play the piano for our liturgical songs. The lyrics for these are included on the liturgy page linked below, (as well as the words to the Lord’s Prayer and the Apostles’ Creed). If you will be worshiping with us at home, please feel free to sing when the music is played.

Because music is still a vital part of our worship together, we will be playing songs from YouTube that we can listen to together. Unfortunately, due to copyright restrictions, we will be unable to include these in our Sunday morning live stream.

For this reason, we are including the links to those music videos in our bulletin. They can also be accessed by the buttons below. Please begin your time of worship 5 minutes before 11:00 by playing the first song, and then after the benediction by playing the second. The words will appear on the screen for each, so feel free to sing along once you learn the tune.

Pre-Service Song

Post-Service Song

Please keep in mind that this time without singing is not permanent and is only part of phase one of our getting back together. Please be patient as we work through all of this as best we can, and in the meantime, look for ways to sing God’s praises throughout the week. To God be the glory, great things he hath done!