Passover Seder

Unleavened Bread

Unleavened Bread

Paschal Lamb

Paschal Lamb

Bitter Herbs

Bitter Herbs

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to celebrate a Passover meal? Have you ever wondered how the elements of the meal tell the story of God redeeming his people? If so, you now have an opportunity to celebrate this meal with your Church family on Wednesday, April 16, from 5:30-7:30pm in our Fellowship Hall, and to experience the tastes and smells, and to hear it all explained in this highly interactive celebration of our redemption.

It is a “family” meal, so all ages are welcome and invited, but we will need to know how many people will be participating. So in order to participate with our church family, simply sign up at the link below (by April 9).

Additionally, for those who choose to do so, we have also made the resources available for families to be able to celebrate this story of redemption at home. In order to participate at home, simply download the following two documents and follow the instructions the best you can. Also, whoever will be leading the Seder should read through everything at least a day in advance to be prepared.