Sunday Resources
February 6, 2022
Here is the video of the worship service for Sunday, February 6, 2022. Below you can find resources to participate as you watch, as well as the original instructions for those who joined live.
Please join us live on Facebook for worship at 11am (Central) this Sunday morning. In order to facilitate worshiping together even at a distance, we have made the bulletins available here. Please see below for further instruction.
In preparation for joining this worship service online, here are a few instructions and suggestions from Pastor Joe.
Before the Service Begins,
1) Know that, although the service will be broadcast on Facebook, you DO NOT need to have a Facebook account to view and participate in this service.
2) Simply go to and make sure to have this page open in advance.
3) Download the bulletin above, and make sure you can open and view and/or print them.
4) Be in place, with bulletin either printed or open on a device by 10:55. I do intend to begin promptly at 11am, and it will be live. (You may need to refresh your browser if the video doesn't show up automatically.)
5) Pray for me and for each other. I am not used to preaching to a camera and you all are not used to gathering for worship in your own living rooms, spread all over the world.
During the Service,
1) Try to eliminate distractions, so you can fully participate.
2) Try, as much as you are able, to be as fully engaged as you would be if we were sitting together in one room.
3) This means pray when we pray, sing when we sing, stand and sit at the usual times, etc.
After the Service,
1) Check in with one another as you would after an in-person service. Call/text each other and check in.
2) Talk with friends and family about how they are doing, and also about the message of Jesus and what you are learning during this time.
3) Pray for our elders on session and all who are having to make difficult decisions at this time to have God's wisdom, discernment, and faithful courage.
This is certainly not the ideal way to meet, but our physical distance for the good of all is one way we can "lay down our lives for the good of others" - something we've been talking about for quite a while! That said, our physical distance is not going to stop us as a church from continuing to worship together, pray together, care for one another, encourage one another, and, in short, BE THE CHURCH whether or not we can "come to church."
"See" you on Sunday!
In Christ,