

Skye Jethani

Helpful identifications of our common false views of what God’s desire is for us, along with clear descriptions of what it really is. (Hint: It’s life with Him!)

The Prodigal God
Timothy Keller

An examination of a familiar parable helping us to understand the extravagance of God’s love.

Mere Christianity
C. S. Lewis

Reasoning toward the Christian faith with clarity, humor, and insightful illustrations.

The Screwtape Letters
C. S. Lewis

An insightful look at faith and temptation from a very different perspective.

The Way of the Dragon or the Way of the Lamb
Jamin Goggin and Kyle Strobel

A conversation about the different types of power and what it looks like to follow the way of Jesus.

The Divine Conspiracy
Dallas Willard

A helpful look at what it means to follow Jesus in a way that “bears fruit.”

Walking with God through Pain and Suffering
Timothy Keller

A biblical look at the problem of evil by considering the God who walks with us, and joins with us in suffering.